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Raising the BAR: Bridging Access to Resources


Education Partnerships

We form education partnerships with educational institutions, including education districts, schools, and universities, to ensure they are better able to build the relationships between the school setting and a home setting and can stand by their mission to ready today’s students for tomorrow’s opportunities. Through research based professional development and support to improve instructional design and school cultures, and to prepare a stronger education workforce, our partnerships with educational institutions ensures we are all moving towards more equitable educational services where all families feel acknowledged and empowered to make the most informed decisions about their livelihoods. Email for more information.


 Professional Development

STUDOR provides professional development services for all levels of educational staff to ensure alignment between instructional design and delivery and whole student outcomes.

We provide both professional development workshops on agreed upon topics once we conduct a needs assessment. We also provide direct professional development through instructional and school culture improvements through a process of research and development with the partner. Email for more information.


Developing a Responsive Education Workforce

At STUDOR, we know how imperative it is that we develop a responsive education workforce that can truly address the diversifying and individualized needs of our students. The formula behind an effective education is a knowledgeable teacher who can address a unique learner’s needs by pivoting instruction accordingly to respond to the learner’s needs. Through the work we do as a partner to education institutions, we are Building Academic Relationships to truly surround the learner with continual enrichment opportunities. Email for more information.