Scholar Study
Scholar Study
At STUDOR, we believe every child is a scholar, and scholars always learn and grow. This is why we let each scholar tell us what they are ready and able to learn.
Scholars go through a mixed method learning course with an assigned STUDOR Resident Tutor, a real educator in training who gets tailored instruction from a certified teacher who serves as a STUDOR Master Tutor and oversees your scholar’s instruction and progress. The course includes 1 hour live video instruction per week, 2 hours of tailored recorded video instruction, and guided practice problems to keep the learner engaged and progressing all for a total of 20 weeks. We work with scholars, teaching lessons that reinforce what they learn in school so they can feel confident, prepared, and quickly build on this understanding with new topics at school. Our Studor Scholars program is where #StudorScholarsLead!
Registering for 5th to 10th grades now! School discounts available.